French + Horse riding
From 12th October to 18th October 2025
Discover the pleasures of winter sports
From 03rd January to 13th January 2015
Sports and Adventure
From 08th July to 11th August 2018
French + Horse riding
From 16th April to 22nd April 2023
Multi-activity program / Have fun and discover the region!
Treasure hunt in canoes, downhill descents on scooters, archery, team sports or forest walks : our multi-activity program allows you to discover the many facets of our region while maximising fun. The dinosaurs of Préhisto-park at Réclère await during the weekends or else, for the bravest amongst you, a trip to the local adventure park.
Standard Program
Currently being translated
Chasse au trésor en canoë, descente en trottinette, ...

Horse riding
They say that horses can be man's closest companions. During your stay at Procamp, you'll ride ...

The cream of winter sports, skiing and snowboarding are a great way to enjoy the breathtaking ...

Discover the land of dinosaurs while improving your skills in French or English. After morning ...

Tu aimes l’action et passer du temps dans la nature? Dans ce cas, ce programme est pour toi! ...

Accommodation / Study Centers
Saignelégier Study Centre
The Saignelégier study centre, which offers this programme to young people aged 10 to 16, enjoys an ...

Leysin Study Centre
The Leysin study centre, which offers this programme to young people aged 10 to 16, enjoys an ideal ...

Tipis / Saignelégier
The teepees at the Saignelégier campsite, which offers this programme to young people aged 10 to ...

Testimonials / What They Say
Das Hotel ist toll. Die Zimmer sind immer schön sauber.
Am Anfang konnte ich kein Wort Französisch. Doch jetzt kann ich viel mehr als ich erwartet habe. Die Lehrer sind sehr nett und sympathisch.
Das Reiten war das Beste vom allem, es hat viel Spass gemacht.
Die Unterkunft ist sehr gut, denn besonders im Tipi, wenn wir Feuer gemacht haben, war es sehr lustig.
Es war cool, immer was anderes zu machen und ich hatte viel Spass.
In my opinion this camp shows us a lot of beautiful animals. Also there are a lot of different and unusual activities which you can't find in another country.
Jura / Saignelégier